Monday, May 24, 2010


Dear blogging world,
I am sorry that I have been away for so long. I promise I am going to be here for awhile this time. So since it has been such a long time, let's catch up!

I like this guy (to any of you that know me, or to anyone that has ever read my blog, this comes as NO surprise I'm sure). He's wonderful, talented, smart, nice to look at, and confusing. Boo. I'm only "booing" about the being confusing part. Everything else about him is more of a "WooHooooooo!" There will be more on him later, and at that time I will refer to him as "Toy Story".

All I am reading these days are texts books and the Scriptures (which for me is technically a text book). I wish I had more time to read, however I do not. Except I have been reading President Gordon B. Hinckley's book Way To Be! and I love it! He is such an amazing man with such a positive attitude. I HIGHLY recommend it.

The one book that I am dying to read right now is President Uchtdorf's new book The Remarkable Soul of a Woman.

None to report, which is surprising.

Things I am looking forward to:
* 3 day weekend!
* Devotional tomorrow.
* The future and all that Heavenly Father has in store for me.
* Learning how to play the guitar better.
* Vacation in August.
* The sun and the warmth that is supposed to come with it. Rexburg is cold.
* SYTYCD starting on Thursday.
* Seeing what happens with Toy Story.



  1. Hey! I love your blog! I think it's pretty fab! You should read mine too sometime! :]
