Wednesday, November 4, 2009

"I'm a dreamer who should have known better"

I dream to much. Not in the sense that i sleep too much. I'm a college student who rarely sleeps. But, in the sense that i DAYdream too much. I am constantly thinking about things that usually have absolutely NOTHING to do with what i'm doing. For instance, today i was sitting in my American Foundations class(FYI this is the most boring, useless class of all time.), but i could NOT, for the life of me, stop thinking about boys(shocker, i know. get used to the boy talk). While my teacher was talking about...actually i can't remember what he was talking about...well anyway, while he was talking about SOMETHING, i kept thinking about how confusing boys are. One in particular. I can't figure this kid out and it drives me NUTS! I'm sure all you girls out there know what i'm talking about. Those guys that seem soooo interested half the time, than act like you don't exist the other half. Yeah, THOSE guys. This boy is one of them and it drives me mad. I have a horrible tendency to over-analyze things, and this is one of those cases. I find myself sitting in class, when i should be paying attention, weighing all of the different scenarios of how he could feel about me. YUCK. I hate that i do it, yet i can't help it.

Then i started thinking about marriage. I just can't seem to get away from that subject. EVERYONE, and i repeat, EVERYONE here is married. Ugh. Well anyway, i started thinking about how much easier and less stressful life would be if in our Patriarchal Blessing it gave the name of who we were going to marry. I mean, think about it...What if you knew your husband already, but didn't know you were supposed to be married! I mean, i understand that life is full of mysteries that are fun to solve, but come ON! Give me a break here!

Okay, for those of you who don't know my current boy situation, i guess i should fill you in. There's this boy. We'll call him BabyFace(because he has one! haha). I like him a LOT. He seems interested. We even went on a date. BUT! Here is the kicker...............are you ready for it????...................he has a GIRLFRIEND. Gag. So there ya go. You are now filled in. :)

QUOTE OF THE DAY: this little insightful comment came from my friend Blake Butcher in the library today. while telling him about BabyFace, he said, "Just because there is a goalie, doesn't mean you can't score." Hahahahahaha SOOOO TRUE!

SONG OF THE DAY: "Dreamer" by Kari Kimmel


  1. Blake is a GENIUS. That is officially my quote of the day! Haha. Love the blog Steph! You can read mine, too.
    It's mostly about running, but I try to keep it funny. Love ya!

  2. Haha I think he is a genius too! Thanks girl, I will! Love ya!

  3. OK, you sound like me in college. Just hopefully you won't end up like me and let your GPA drop all the way down to 2.0 because you spent your free time (and class time) eating, sleeping and breathing boys!

    To answer your question about the patriarchal blessing (because I have ALL the answers - lol) it's because there is no such thing as "THE ONE". There are a handful of choices that would be good for you, all for different reasons, and God gives you the choice. So choose wisely. Make sure you marry the qualities you want most because there are many men out there that you could have a successful marriage with. But not all that you could connect on a deep level with or not all that are good kissers (the most important quality of all! HELLO!)
